Section 4: Configuring the Kubernetes Cluster
In this section, you will learn how to initialize the Kubernetes control plane, join additional nodes to the cluster, and install a pod network to enable communication between nodes.
This is the 4th section of the guide Building a production-ready Kubernetes cluster from scratch. Make sure you have completed the previous section before continuing here. The full list of lessons in the guide can be found in the overview.
Lesson 11: Initializing the First Control Plane Node
Step-by-step guide to initializing the first control plane node in your Kubernetes cluster, including running kubeadm init and configuring the control plane.
Lesson 12: Installing a Pod Network (CNI Plugin)
Install a Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin to enable communication between pods running on different nodes.
Lesson 13: Joining Additional Control Plane Nodes
Join additional Raspberry Pi devices as control plane nodes to create a high-availability Kubernetes cluster.
Lesson 14: Benchmark Networking
Test and verify the high-availability configuration of your Kubernetes control plane.
Getting Started
To get started with the section, head over to the first lesson in this section to learn how to initialize the first control plane node in your Kubernetes cluster.
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